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Axborotning qisqacha mazmuni:HBD60 Preel Trel Trel truss nurlari, HBD60 Beyey ko'prigi, HBD60 Premerve Magistr magistral ko'prigi, HBD60 Long Show ko'prigi

Model taxalluslari: CD450; CD; 450; Hbd60

TheHBD60 turiKo'prik Germaniyada paydo bo'ldi va Xitoyga ommaviy ishlab chiqarish uchun katta devor muhandislari tomonidan uning tuzilishini tahlil qilish orqali ommaga ishlab chiqarildi.

ning kiritilishiHBD60 turiKo'prik Beyro ko'prigi texnik to'siqlari va kamchiliklaridan kelib chiqadi. As is known to all, Belle Bridge is a common prefabricated steel bridge structure, which is the upper and lower bearing bridge beam with the single pin connecting truss unit as the main beam of the bridge span structure, which has the advantages of simple structure, kuchli moslashuvchanlik va yaxshi o'zaro munosabatlar. Ammo yuk unchalik katta bo'lmagan bo'lsa ham, har bir singil uchun 60 metrga etadi.

Shuning uchun,Buyuk devor guruhiHBD60 turiko'prik. Although the truss adopts larger steel, the structure is simpler, which not only has the advantage of strong adaptability of prefabricated Bailey steel bridge, but also makes up for the limit of span, improves the length of single span and saves the cost of bridge pier .


Hbd60turiprefabricated steel truss beam usually adopts a reinforced double row structure with a third chord, which is assembled from standard components such as end trusses, standard truss segments, chords, reinforced chords, third chords, crossbeams, wind resistant tie rods, and vertical supports. Asosiy truss yuqori quvvatli murvatlar bilan bog'langan. Standart truss uzunligi 3,048 m, bir qavat balandligi 2,250 m va ikki qavatli balandligi 4,500 m. Bir tomonda ikkita truss mavjud bo'lib, qatnov qismi quyma temir-beton ko'prik qavatini yoki temir ko'prikni qabul qiladi.


HBDni tashish va saqlash60 turiTemir tuzilmasi ko'priklar

3) Yuk tashish komponentlari, ishlab chiqaruvchi foydalanuvchiga mahsulot sifat sertifikati, mahsulot tarkibiy qismlari ro'yxati va po'lat ko'prikdan foydalanish bo'yicha ko'rsatmalar berilishi kerak.

4) The storage of steel bridges should be carried out in warehouses, and their management should be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations on the Management of National Defense Transportation Material Reserves and the Management Manual for National Defense Transportation Material Reserve Warehouses .

5) Po'lat ko'prik komponentlari orasidagi yuqori quvvatli murvatlarning silliq ulanishini ta'minlash uchun ishlov berish birligi po'latdan yasalgan ko'prik komponentlarini saqlash va tashish jarayonida komponent deformatsiyasini oldini olish uchun amaliy va mumkin bo'lgan choralarni ko'rishi kerak.

6) Komponentlarni saqlash va tashish jarayonida po'lat konstruktsiyaning qoplama yuzasini himoya qilishga e'tibor qaratish lozim. Agar biron bir zarar bo'lsa, uni o'z vaqtida ta'mirlash kerak. The processing unit should develop a coating surface repair process that meets our construction requirements.



Xabar berish vaqti: 2024 yil 18-may